Why Venues Use Video Walls

You may have been to a venue that pieces together numerous different screens to form video walls and wondered why exactly a venue would want what would otherwise be a fantastic quality screen to have numerous lines obscuring parts of the view. Well, there are many reasons why video walls can be better than simple large TVs.
Cost can be a factor in some cases, but there are many more reasons why such a set up is beneficial. In larger venues, there is a good chance that you will have people watching the screen from both very close up and very far away. Getting the aspect ratio and pixel density right on a big screen so that both those close up and those far away can clearly see the picture is very rarely possible, yet combining numerous screens offers a far better way to achieve the right balance of both.

However, it is not just larger pictures that can benefit from multiple screens. Adding computer graphics to different screens and customising exactly what is shown is extremely hard even with very sophisticated software. Having multiple screens means that you can show numerous different things at the same time, making sure that your images and computer graphics are customised to exactly what you need in a very easy way.

For some, the lines may seem like an issue at first, but the bezels almost always start to go unnoticed within a few minutes. The human brain does a great job of patching images together – something it is constantly doing, using guesswork and the limited amount of visual information our eyes are actually able to pick up at any one time, and therefore, it is not much of a stretch for the eyes to start to completely ignore the unimportant areas in between the larger picture.

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