What Your Clothes Say about You

Have you ever stopped to wonder what your clothes say about you? Whilst some people are extremely fashion conscious taking into account not just their own tastes but also the general fashion zeitgeist and the subtext of different clothing when making any purchases, a surprisingly large number of people will simply choose items that they think look okay and are comfortable.

However, clothing can say far more about us than we might realise, and even simply choosing a certain make of clothing can have connotations we are unaware of. Certain makes are favoured by certain demographics and areas of society and by buying an item you think is attractive and comfortable you may well find that you get labelled in a certain way. Whilst those closest to us will know exactly who we are and what we are like, those meeting us for the first time are naturally going to base first impressions on the information available to them, and for better or worse, that first dose of information will often be in how you present yourself and the clothes you wear.

First impressions are extremely important and whether you are choosing urban clothing or something far more conservative those clothes could well indeed inform exactly who you make a connection with and who you don’t.

With urban clothes, this may be more important than with any other type of clothing. Urban clothes are very much about expressing personality and personal preferences, far more than with any other clothes, and therefore those wearing urban clothing are far more likely to be basing their choices on what their clothes say about them. In turn, people will make even more assumptions based on those clothes and you may well find you are saying something you really didn’t want to.

So, no matter what clothes you are looking for, ensure that you are conscious of the choices you are making and that you find outlets with the right range of clothes to help you make the right choice.

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