What should you remember when writing a good CV?

When it comes to writing a good CV, whether it be in paper form or an online CV, there are some important tips you should remember. Getting these details wrong could mean the difference between you being called in for an interview and having your online resume disregarded.

To ensure your online CV or paper formatted resume stands out from other candidates follow these top tips:

•A good CV should cover no more than two full pages, although if you are really experienced you may be able to get away with three. Keep the information clear and concise so include short, snappy bullet points rather than long paragraphs.
•Try not to go over the top when it comes to choosing a font and colour for the typeface. Although you may think having red and dramatic fonts may draw attention to your CV, it could actually have the opposite affect and make you look unprofessional. Stick to black and if you do want to draw attention to certain parts- there is nothing wrong with putting something in bold.
•Unless a job advertisement asks for it, there is no need to provide a photograph of yourself when submitting your CV.
•Make sure you tailor your each CV to the job you are applying for. Highlight the skills and/or experience you have suitable for the job in question.
•It is not necessary to include any salary details or specific reasons for leaving a job. If there are any gaps in your employment you could give a brief explanation.
•Have a friend or partner read the CV when you are finished. If you have not spotted grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, they will be more likely to pick them up.
•Accompany your CV with a good covering letter where you can expand on some of the details mentioned in your resume.

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