What is an electronic cigarette.

Electric cigarette and electronic cigarette is a thing of knowing. Together, they examined the design, accuracy and clarity of labeling, nicotine content, leakiness, defective parts, disposal, errors in filling orders, instruction manual quality and advertizing for the following brands of e-cigarettes The study was funded by a grant to Talbot from the University of California Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP).

In itself, that strongly suggests that E-cigs are safer by several orders of magnitude. I can’t believe the dirty power moves that wealthy elitist of Big Tobacco are using. This article is disgusting. The amount of nitroasmines found in (certain eliquids), in the FDA study, was at least like 500 times less than whats found in a single cigarette.

said it perfectly. I have smoked about 17 yrs and I tried to quit many times unsuccessfully and now I have not smoked a real cigarette for a MONTH! these e-cigs work but only if u want to quit. I wanted to and did all because of the e-cig.

I remember thinking during the night that I need to get out for a smoke because I was craving one. And then I thought wow…when the heck am I going to quit this habit?! I’m here with people who have beat cancer! Just before I was about to go out side I saw a girl smoking a e-cig. I had been wondering about the e-cig for some time and if it would help me to quit smoking.But until that happens of course they are going to ban the sale and say they are bad. that it is a great way to quit smoking if it were so bad for you. See for yourself just goole e-puffer dr show. Our government makes way too much tax dollars from smokers to want them to quit.


The Article is written by electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ providing electronic cigarette and electronic cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more information on electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more services!

An Introduction to the New invention –Electronic Cigarettes

An Electronic Cigarette is a battery operated, rechargeable electronic device, that share the experience of smoking a real cigarette while removing the harsh smoke, and chemicals found in tobacco. Equipped with a small heater inside called an “atomizer”, the electronic cigarette works by rapidly heating a liquid nicotine solution into a tar free and odorless vapor. A micro-sensor inside the electronic cigarette senses every time you take a puff and the end of the e-cigarette will even light up just like a real cig would. The sensation of smoking an electronic cigarette is virtually identical to that of a real cigarette, including inhaling and exhaling visible smoke The electronic cigarette offers you the ability to smoke in your desired strength of nicotine ranging from high, medium, low and even no-nicotine. A variety of flavors are available including tobacco, menthol, cappuccino, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, apple, and cherry. The main features of the Electronic Cigarette the electronic cigarette is the fact that it never has to be lit because it operates automatically every time you puff. Therefore you will not need an ash tray or a lighter and you will not burn holes in your tapestry or clothing, or furniture. You can also enjoy the odor free atmosphere of the electronic cigarette and feel confident that your body and clothes will not smell like smoke. Therefore you will be more socially acceptable . Another advantage of the Electronic Cigarette is that you can smoke the Electronic Cigarette anywhere and everywhere .Also your teeth and hands will not be stained yellow. By using an Electronic Cigarette ,you can save a lot of money which you would have normally spent on smoking cigarettes and with this savings you can lead a more healthier and happier family life .


The Article is written by electric-cigarette.co.uk/ providing Electric Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electric-cigarette.co.uk/ for more information on electric-cigarette.co.uk/Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electric-cigarette.co.uk/ for more services!

Advantage of Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic Cigarettes is an electronic smoking device, also known as an electronic cigarette. It is a completely non-flammable product that uses most sophisticated micro-electronic technology to provide users a realistic smoking experience without actually using tobacco and tar found in real cigarettes. It looks like, feels like and tastes like a real cigarette, yet it isn’t. It offers smokers an alternative to smoking. They still get their nicotine hit, but without the inhalation of harmful chemicals and negative side effects of smoking .Electronic Smoking offers its users many advantages over smoking traditional cigarettes. It is free of tar & other harmful substances.. There’s no second-hand smoke, so it is harmless to others. It is reusable so there is no problem with disposing of cigarette butts and ash.

Electronic Cigarettes provides all those same pleasures, but without all the problems commonly associated with traditional smoking. The main advantages of electronic cigarette are reduced intake of tar and other chemicals; freedom to smoke anywhere; social inclusion versus isolation; no first or second hand smoke; virtually odorless; non-flammable, convenient and lower cost than smoking real cigarette

The process of Electronic Cigarette is driven by modern microelectronic technology. The actual cigarette body is an integrated structure made up of a cartridge, an atomization chamber, a smart chip controller and built in lithium battery. In the front of the device is an operating mode indicator that lights up when you use it, a bit like a real cigarette. Hence ,it is an device which gives the sensation of smoking without smoking and is also a good tool for smokers to give up and quit smoking permanently. A survey conducted amongst users of electronic cigarettes has confirmed that many of them have quit smoking and are leading a happy and contended lives free of disease and ill –health

The Article is written by electric-cigarette.co.uk/ providing Electric Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electric-cigarette.co.uk/ for more information on electric-cigarette.co.uk/Products & Services

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The Article is written by seopositive.co.uk/website-design.php/ providing web design and website design Services. Visit http://www.seopositive.co.uk/website-design.php/ for more information on seopositive.co.uk/website-design.php/ Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit seopositive.co.uk/website-design.php/ for more services!

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The Article is written by promocodes.co.uk providing Vodafone Promotional Code and Discount Codes. Visit http://www.promocodes.co.uk for more information on promocodes.co.uk Products & Services. ___________________________ Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit promocodes.co.uk for more services!

The Ways and Benefit of Quitting Smoking

A Electronic Cigarette is made from microelectronic control and supercritical atomizing technologies.It looks like a cigarette however there is no nicotine in it It has no smoking pollution material. You do not need any ignition and fire for smoking it, but you can enjoy and satisfy those tactile taste sensations without any dependence on tobacco. Electronic Cigarette consists of a stainless steel shell, lithium ion battery, micro-electronic circuit, atomizing chamber, and indicator light at the head of the Electronic Cigarette. It makes smokers enjoy the same pleasure as that of traditional Cigarette


The following Four Steps procedure is designed specially for smokers willing to quit
in a gradual and systematic way

The first step is to start with smoking of high density nicotine cigarette following the normal smoking habit ,then ,in the second step you switch to medium density cartridge following the normal smoking habit .then in the third step alternate between the low nicotine density and the non nicotine thickness cartridge and finally you can quit smoking by using the non nicotine cartridge continuously, one can quit smoking completely. By quitting smoking you can save a lot of money daily ,weekly ,monthly and annually and you can further use the money saved for the benefit of your family and yourself beside gaining your health The emotional benefit of quitting smoking are far more than the health benefits. First is that a person improve his self image and esteem -he gets the feeling that he is in control of his life and can make improvements easily. An individual obtains a feeling of self respect and accomplishment -he becomes happier and less depressed. One can save lot of time and never will he be planning his activities around cigarette smoking.

The Article is written by electric-cigarette.co.uk/ providing Electric Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electric-cigarette.co.uk/ for more information on electric-cigarette.co.uk/Products & Services

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The Article is written by promocodes.co.uk providing Vodafone Promotional Code and Discount Codes. Visit http://www.promocodes.co.uk for more information on promocodes.co.uk Products & Services. ___________________________ Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit promocodes.co.uk for more services!


A Electronic Cigarette produces vapors creating a feeling similar to smoking cigarettes without the harmful effect of smoking. It looks ,feels and tastes like a cigarette but at the same time does not give any harmful side effects. It does not require any lighting up ,but automatically lights up when drawn on .Hence ,it offers no side effects or health risks on the user and to the people around him since it does not contain the 400 harmful chemical present in the traditional cigarette like tar ,carbon monoxide and many others An Electronic Cigarette is ideally suited to a person who is very conscious of his dental health .it does not stain the teeth .-the teeth remain sparkling white and this does not warrant unnecessary visits to the Dentist. Another advantage is that there is no fear of fire. It has been researched that many fires are caused by smokers who casually throw burning cigarettes carelessly. An electronic cigarette saves for the smoker a lot of money and hence it is cheaper in the long run. It can be used in any place in hotels ,pubs or casinos and public places without causing hindrance to others. It also helps in quitting Smoking. It also greatly helps people who work in no smoking environments and have a habit of smoking. It does not burn anything and is not restricted to the smoking ban. In many countries ,hotels, pubs and casinos allow the use of electronic cigarettes indoors show its universal acceptance. Since no harmful effects are there on human beings health there is no chance of getting lung cancer or other dangerous diseases. Since Electronic Cigarettes do not give bad breath or smelly clothes, a person is not isolated socially and his confidence level is boosted up

The Article is written by electric-cigarette.co.uk/ providing Electric Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electric-cigarette.co.uk/ for more information on electric-cigarette.co.uk/Products & Services

Electronic Cigarettes-The Composition

The three primary components of n Electronic Cigarette are the

A The Cartridge

B The Atomizer

C The Battery Unit


The cartridge is a small, usually disposable, plastic container with openings on each end. It generally houses an absorbent, sponge-like material saturated with the liquid solution to be vaporized. The mouthpiece is constructed so that the vapor produced can flow past the solution container to reach the user’s mouth. When the liquid in the cartridge has been depleted, the user can generally choose between refilling it, or replacing it with another pre-filled cartridge. There are various types of liquids of various flavors available in the market to suit ones tastes-one can make a choice as per his request .These liquid are also known as nicotine solutions or e-liquids or e-juice .Flavors, such as chocolate, vanilla, caramel, coffee, and cola, are also available.

The atomizer is a heating element that serves to vaporize the solution so it can be inhaled. It contains a filament whose efficiency degrades over time due to a buildup of sediment, and hence requires replacement. This is one of the primary recurring expenses associated with electronic cigarettes.

The Battery Unit

This device consists of a battery unit powered by lithium -ion rechargeable battery which is the largest component of the electronic cigarette The battery unit usually consist of a electronic airflow censor for automatic operations -a timed cut off is added to prevent overheating whereas in manual operation a button is added which is operated manually .In order to recharge the Batteries many types of Charger outlets are available such as AC outlets USB and car are usually available

The Article is written by electric-cigarette.co.uk/ providing Electric Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electric-cigarette.co.uk/ for more information on electric-cigarette.co.uk/Products & Services[/two_third]


Cigarettes smoking is extremely harmful to health since they have nicotine and various other chemicals which harm the human body An electronic cigarette, is an device which uses electricity that attempts to simulate the act of smoking by producing an smoke bearing the physical sensation, appearance and flavor of nicotine content of inhaled tobacco smoke. The device uses heat, to vaporize a propylene glycol- or glycerin-based liquid solution into an aerosol mist, similar to the way a humidifier vaporizes solutions for inhalation. Thus it creates a feeling of smoking a cigarette without going in the harmful aspects of smoking. It creates an illusionary effect of smoking while having no side effects Therefore, smoking of an Electric Cigarette greatly helps in the enhancement of the personal heath of the people and society in general as well it saves money for the individual. By using a Electric Cigarette the individual does not inhale hydrocarbons, arsenic, black, deadly carbon monoxide along with unsafe chemicals. The Electronic Cigarette is more smoking cessation device and curbs the unnecessary urge to smoke and this slowly leads to a person giving up smoking altogether The electronic cigarette was invented by Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik in 2003 and introduced to the market the following year. Most electronic cigarettes are attractively designed to resemble actual tobacco smoking implements, such as cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, but many take the form of screwdrivers or ball pens since those designs are more practical and attractive Most are also reusable, with replaceable and refillable parts, but some models are disposable.The possible benefits or adverse effects of electronic cigarette use are a subject of disagreement among various health organizations and researchers. Controlled studies of electronic cigarettes are scarce due to their relatively recent invention and subsequent rapid growth in popularity.

The Article is written by electric-cigarette.co.uk/ providing Electric Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electric-cigarette.co.uk/ for more information on electric-cigarette.co.uk/Products & Services