Electronic Cigarette offers Smokers A Prospective Alternative …

The primary stated use of the electronic cigarette is as a smoking cessation device, as it attempts to deliver the experience of smoking without, or with greatly reduced, adverse health effects usually associated with tobacco smoke. Nevertheless, concerns have been raised that use of the device still carries health risks, and that it could appeal to non-smokers, especially children, due to its novelty, flavorings, and possibly overstated claims of safety. It’s going to last longer and give you a better “hit” every time. Battery – You will also want to go with a top quality battery so that your electronic cigarette doesn’t die halfway through the day causing you to refresh. The most interesting part of the electric cigarette and electronic cigarette is the atomization chamber. This is where the magic happens and this part of the device is responsible for creating the smoke-like vapor, very much like a real cigarette. This vapor is a result of the nicotine dilution that is found in the cartridge, heating up or atomizing. This is what produces the vapor that when inhaled gives the user the nicotine hit that smokers crave, but without the negative side effects of smoking tobacco. E-cigs are not as good as not smoking, but better than inhaling tar, ashes and 100+ chemicals. My friend is 75, sweet little old lady & a heavy smoker w/ bad asthma. She simply can’t quit, even though it’s killing her. A lesser-harm e-cig may save her life. You tell her, nodal & co., to suck it up and quit cold turkey or die?  I’d like to see you tell her that face to face.  like I’m looking at what’s inside real cigs, and Formaldehyde, tar, and the same chemical that makes up garbage bags seems worse than what’s in the E-cig…doesn’t all this smack on the e-cig sound like a smear campaign fueled by the tobacco companies… Yeah if I made billions of dollars off death and addiction, I wouldn’t want a healthier alternative (that appears to be the next best thing after quitting) around either.


The Article is written by electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ providing electronic cigarette and electronic cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more information on electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more services!

Are you looking for Electronic Cigarette?.

Electronic Cigarette dangers are far less than traditional cigarettes. An e-cigarette is devoid any of the toxic elements like Carbon Monoxide, Tar or Tobacco that are found in an actual cigarette and cause damage to the lungs. There is no yellowing of teeth or bad breath either. But there are a few Electronic Cigarette disadvantages that prevent health experts from recommending it to smokers. In Electronic Cigarette nicotine solution can be replaced with intoxicating drugs that can be very harmful for health. I can’t stand blogs posting as medical articles, read carefully the part about nicotine. Not one specific piece of real information, especially when many Dr’s say nicotine is addictive but doesn’t cause disease. And then contradicts at the end were through the whole blog talks about how these are dangerous and has cancer causing chemicals then at the end says no evidence has been shown that these cause cancer. And the part with the can be used to deliver liquid THC. a soda can could also deliver THC. Any pot smoker that ran out of contraband can tell you that. And the process to get liquid THC would make it improbable as well. You need to heat up the THC to it’s boiling temp and then distill it into another container, do you know how much pot you would need to make enough to fill a cart? Far more than would be worth it to waist.lol this is another one of those blogs where you tell someone that icings not bad for you and they want to disagree because smoking is looked down on and then you go into a prove it match and the pull up this garbage and say… See …and in the end now everyone is wrong because no one can be proven otherwise.

The Article is written by electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ providing electronic cigarette and electronic cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more information on electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more services!The Article is written by electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ providing electronic cigarette and electronic cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more information on electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more services!


Smoker’s all over the world has been recognizing. that there are many ill effects of smoking . However  the younger generation now a days smoke heavily and consider it as part of their social life. Once smoking is being started we cannot  let it go  easily. This also can be done for those who has been stressful they say  that cigarettes relieve the stress

The Electronic Cigarette has been invented for the purpose of helping individual who are addicted to smoking  or those who want to give up or quit smoking A smoker can disturb our environment or can cause illness for those who haven’t smoked in their life. This is also known as passive smoking. The Electronic Cigarette is a smokeless product which you cannot let anyone smell the smoke which you created. This product is excellent product since it does not cause pollution and you can also help in saving the mother earth  Using of Electronic cigarette has been a big help for the smokers since they can use  it all day long. without causing any harmful heath effects  Smoking damages our lung and can cause cancer and various other diseases like heart disease .However ,with the use of electronic cigarettes ,these diseases can be avoided and people can lead a happy and contended life The electronic  cigarette does not produce any combustion like the traditional cigarette. It is proved  that  by using Electronic Cigarettes  ,the stamina and general health of a individual increases a lot. He feel more energetic and is filled with enthusiasm towards his work   .His dental condition improves and there is no staining of his teeth

To sum up ,we  would be pleased to conclude that the advent of Electronic Cigarette is definitely a boon to the health and welfare of the society.


The Article is written by electric-cigarette.co.uk/ providing Electric Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electric-cigarette.co.uk/ for more information on electric-cigarette.co.uk/Products & Services___________________________Copyright informationThis article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electric-cigarette.co.uk/ for more services!

Tobacco Control.

Talbot, a professor of cell biology and neuroscience, was joined in the study in the field of electric cigarette and electronic cigarette, the first author of the research paper. “As a result, some people believe that e-cigarettes are a safe substitute for conventional cigarettes,” said Pure Talbot, the director of UC Riverside’s Stem Cell Center, whose lab led the research. “However, there are virtually no scientific studies on e-cigarettes and their safety. Our study — one of the first studies to evaluate e-cigarettes — shows that this product has many flaws, which could cause serious public health problems in the future if the flaws go uncorrected.”

“More research on e-cigarettes is crucially needed to protect the health of e-cigarette users and even those who do not use e-cigarettes,” said Kames Astra, a research administrator at UC TRDRP. “Contrary to the claims of the manufacturers and marketers of e-cigarettes being ‘safe,’ in fact, virtually nothing is known about the toxicity of the vapors generated by these e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes consist of a battery, a charger, a power cord, an atomizer, and a cartridge containing nicotine and propylene glycol. When a smoker draws air through an e-cigarette, an airflow sensor activates the battery that turns the tip of the cigarette red to simulate smoking and heats the atomizer to vaporize the propylene glycol and nicotine. Upon inhalation, the aerosol vapor delivers a dose of nicotine into the lungs of the smoker, after which, residual aerosol is exhaled into the environment. Until we know anything about the potential health risks of the toxins generated upon heating the nicotine-containing content of the e-cigarette cartridges, the ‘safety’ claims of the manufacturers are dubious at best.

“Justifiably, more information about the potential toxic and health effects of e-cigarette vapors is necessary before the public can have a definitive answer about the touted safety of e-cigarettes. Hopefully, in the near future, scientists can provide firm evidence for or against the claimed ‘safety’ of e-cigarettes as a nicotine-delivery tool.”

The Article is written by electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ providing electronic cigarette and electronic cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more information on electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more services!

There are plenty of reasons for the choice of E-cigarettes

Hey maybe the electric cigarette and electronic cigarette is not the bad thing here but the cartridges, I’m a smoker for 15 years and I want to quit but can’t bec. I got hooked up…my sis bought me this hoping that I can stop my nicotine intake or lessen it for that matter, I’m bit skeptical because this is a new thing for me, but one thing for sure, whenever I inhale it, I feel something heavy in my lungs…if it is my lungs or heart, that’s why I really am researching on this. So if anybody can draw the line from FDA to strictly regulate the contents of the cartridges but not the e-cigarette. I’ve only been using my e-cig for 5 days, and first and foremost I can breathe, my teeth are back to being white, I love that I don’t smell like an ashtray, and my sense of smell and taste have returned.
E-cigs are not as good as not smoking, but better than inhaling tar, ashes and 100+ chemicals. My friend is 75, sweet little old lady & a heavy smoker w/ bad asthma. She simply can’t quit, even tho it’s killing her. A lesser-harm e-cig may save her life. You tell her, nodeal & co., to suck it up and quit cold turkey or die?
I’d like to see you tell her that face to face.
like I’m looking at what’s inside real cigs, and Formaldehyde, tar, and the same chemical that makes up garbage bags seems worse than what’s in the E-cig…doesn’t all this smack on the e-cig sound like a smear campaign fueled by the tobacco companies… Yeah if I made billions of dollars off death and addiction, I wouldn’t want a healthier alternative (that appears to be the next best thing after quitting) around either.





The Article is written by electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ providing electronic cigarette and electronic cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more information on electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more services!



Electronic Cigarettes: Safe and a better .

Have to agree this is a scaremongering article. I wouldn’t argue they are 100% safe but would that they are 99% safer than electric cigarette and electronic cigarette instead of 4000 tocix chemicals in a cigarette. Finally this scary anti-freeze this article talks about, propene gylcol used in some ecig liquids is also known as food additive E1520 and has many uses including being added to pipe tobacco.  The FDA of course want to attack the industry, its losing them money.  There is also a widespread concern that electronic cigarette consumption may promote drug use. There are reports of liquid nicotine being substituted with liquid THC, a popular potent marijuana resin. If electronic cigarette e liquid is replaced with addictive drugs, it can become highly damaging to health. It can cause further breakdown of the health instead of improving it. In any case, electronic cigarettes do not contribute to health. The marketing strategy of e-cigarettes has also come under criticism. Many electronic cigarette brands are being found to offer e-cigarettes in various flavors like mint, orange and chocolate. This can entice smokers as well as non-smokers. This actually promotes smoking rather than curbing it.  Some electronic cigarette juices have caramel and strawberry flavorings that may attract children into smoking.  The electronic cigarette was devised in 2003 by a Chinese druggist named Hon Lik. It was introduced into the Chinese market in 2004. It began to be marketed abroad from 2005 by Golden Dragon Holdings, the company where Hon worked.  The Electronic Cigarette Association is the body that includes all private companies in trading of electronic cigarettes. been smoking for over 30 years and have tried to give up every January but never last more than a few weeks. The gums and patches never worked but now with the Gamecock I can get my nicotine hit in a much healthier way. It’s been 2 months since I had a cigarette and I’m feeling confident that with the help of the Gamecock I won’t go back. I recommend this to everyone looking to give up.

The Article is written by electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ providing electronic cigarette and electronic cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more information on electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more services!

Good quality Electronics Cigarettes.

An electronic smoking device, also known as an electronic cigarette. It is a completely non-flammable product that uses state of the art sophisticated micro-electronic technology to provide users a real smoking experience without the tobacco and tar found in real cigarettes. It looks like, feels like and tastes like a real cigarette, yet it isn’t. It is so much more. Performs similarly to traditional smoking. It looks like, feels like and tastes like a real cigarette and delivers all the pleasures of smoking, without all the problems. The secret to what makes the it better than traditional smoking is what is inside this revolutionary product. After introducing it into my bar a month ago I have noticed my takings have increased. I want to become a distributor. This could quite possibly change the smoking habits of a nation. I am totally sold on your product and would highly recommend it to everyone.
Electronic Cigarettes are battery operated devices that have been developed as an alternative to normal cigarettes. These are made up of a heater, a battery and a cartridge that contains a solution of propylene glycol, nicotine and some other chemicals. It gives a smoker the apparent effect of nicotine intake without delivering the toxic elements like Tobacco, Carbon Monoxide and Tar that harms the lungs. There is bad breath or yellowing of teeth either. Electronic Cigarettes are found to contain an anti-freeze component known as knowing cigar. It is toxic to humans and can cause health worries on inhalation. This is one of the major Electronic Cigarette side effects. Health experts argue that electronic cigarettes contain nicotine, the basic element found in cigarettes. In an electronic cigarette liquid nicotine is used. Nicotine is an alkaloid medicine that is harmful for humans. A long drag on the cigarette can make you actually suck some of the liquid nicotine into your mouth.

The Article is written by electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ providing electronic cigarette and electronic cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more information on electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more services!


There are plenty of reasons for the choice of E-cigarettes

Hey maybe the electric cigarette and electronic cigarette is not the bad thing here but the cartridges, I’m a smoker for 15 years and I want to quit but can’t bec. I got hooked up…my sis bought me this hoping that I can stop my nicotine intake or lessen it for that matter, I’m bit skeptical because this is a new thing for me, but one thing for sure, whenever I inhale it, I feel something heavy in my lungs…if it is my lungs or heart, that’s why I really am researching on this. So if anybody can draw the line from FDA to strictly regulate the contents of the cartridges but not the e-cigarette. I’ve only been using my e-cig for 5 days, and first and foremost I can breathe, my teeth are back to being white, I love that I don’t smell like an ashtray, and my sense of smell and taste have returned.
E-cigs are not as good as not smoking, but better than inhaling tar, ashes and 100+ chemicals. My friend is 75, sweet little old lady & a heavy smoker w/ bad asthma. She simply can’t quit, even tho it’s killing her. A lesser-harm e-cig may save her life. You tell her, nodeal & co., to suck it up and quit cold turkey or die?
I’d like to see you tell her that face to face.
like I’m looking at what’s inside real cigs, and Formaldehyde, tar, and the same chemical that makes up garbage bags seems worse than what’s in the E-cig…doesn’t all this smack on the e-cig sound like a smear campaign fueled by the tobacco companies… Yeah if I made billions of dollars off death and addiction, I wouldn’t want a healthier alternative (that appears to be the next best thing after quitting) around either.








The Article is written by electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ providing electronic cigarette and electronic cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more information on electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more services!

Electronic cigarettes an alternative to smoking..

When cigarettes are great and will cost less money often, you will find pieces you are going to need to change. Absolutely nothing great holds up eternally. From electronic cigarette battery packs to “smoke juice” replacements to the atomizer, the harder you utilize your electric cigarette, the more rapidly it’s going to wear down. The Company is applying significant marketing resources to the sales and branding of Bionic Cigs by sponsoring televised sporting events, increasing individual distributors throughout the nation and launching an aggressive internet marketing campaign. With electronic cigarette sales reaching all-time highs, The Company is strategically seeking to gain market-share and brand awareness at the ground floor of an exploding industry.  No ignition. Do not contain tar, or other carcinogenic and harmful constituents. No ignition hence it will not cause fire disaster. With humanized architecture, simulate the temperature of the emitting smoke between 40°c to 50°c.No environmental pollution. The emitted smoke is the atomized mist from tobacco alkaloid liquid; hence produce no harmful second hand smoke. Barrier of the electromagnetic wave. No electromagnetic wave. No electromagnetic radiation is allowed. Contain highly purified medical grade tobacco alkaloid, and associate with the design of Nicotine Replacement Therapy?. Realize the aim to quit smoking non-painfully.  This material may contain statements about expected future events and/or financial results that are forward-looking in nature and subject to risks and uncertainties. The nicotine content of one electronic cigarette container is lower than twenty ordinary cigarettes. The special design of the interrupted liquid supply stops smokers from smoking continuously by using our product, which can reduce the frequency of smoking and improving the health of the smoker. To enhance the best results, the recommended temperature range to use these products is set between -5°c and 42°c. The Company’s former processing company has now been replaced and will be accepting credit card transactions through the Company’s website within days. “The Company’s Management has been extremely frustrated with the disruption in service for what was supposed to be a seamless transition”.



The Article is written by electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ providing electronic cigarette and electronic cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more information on electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electroniccigaretteinfo.co.uk/ for more services!


Electronic Cigarettes or E cigarettes are the latest technology health marvels. Smoking causes a lot of health related diseases like lung cancer ,stroke ,heart diseases and so on and this cause loss of many working days in offices .It leads to various dental problems also. Eyesight is also affected. However, with the advent of Electronic Cigarettes life has a new meaning Electronic Cigarettes is a electronic device which gives the user a feeling of smoking without the harmful effects of tobacco. Hence, there is no dangerous chemical and smoke entering you lungs and health system A person using Electronic Cigarettes will lead a disease free life, his stamina and jest for living will increase by leap and bounds. Since people recognize the fact that Electronic Cigarettes are harmless to the surroundings and are eco friendly and environment friendly ,you are permitted to smoke them in planes hotels ,bars ,casinos and public places. It has been proved that with the continuous use of Electronic Cigarettes ,many smokers have kicked the habit and have helped themselves and their families to lead a more satisfying lifeElectronic Cigarettes help the smoker save a lot of money by curbing his smoking expenses and the expense saved can greatly benefit the Smokers family by letting them lead a more happy and prosperous life. For Example –A smoker buys 4 packets of cigarettes @Rs 40/ each per day-then his daily smoking expense will be Rs 40×4=Rs 160/ And his monthly expenditure on smoking will be Rs 160×30= Rs 4800 per month And his yearly expenditure on smoking will be 4800x 12=Rs 57600/= per year By using a Electronic Cigarettes the person gives up smoking and is thus able to save Rs 57,600/ which he uses for the benefit of his family This illustration clearly explains the benefits of Electronic Cigarettes

The Article is written by electric-cigarette.co.uk/ providing Electric Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electric-cigarette.co.uk/ for more information on electric-cigarette.co.uk/Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit electric-cigarette.co.uk/ for more services!