My Money HD: the most effective way to manage their finances on

My money is the HD version for iPad App homonym for the management of our economy and family life. Inside the App we can customize a variety of features to make it more personal as possible, according to our needs. We see everything in detail.

Of all the App economic management, HD My money is perhaps the most suitable to the needs of the individual who needs to manage their money based on revenue and outgoing cash flows. Developers, and Web Bit, have set themselves the aim of providing a comprehensive and effective tool and at the same time intuitive and easy to use.

My money is on HD a series of tabs, located at the bottom of the main screen. We have seven tabs, each of which will lead to a new window with different functions.


In the Accounts menu, however, we can manage our bank accounts, postal or PostePay. Inserting the balance contained inside, the App automatically withdraw the money from the account selected in the insertion phase of the movement.

The App also manages accounts also more separate users, which can be added or done away with through the appropriate Menu User Menu “Edit archives.”

Finally you can also add different types of payment, which can range from cash, the use of most major credit cards, totally customizable by the user. For example, in addition to the name of the circuit that we want to use, we include a threshold monthly spending limits.


To this end, the developers have thought two tabs different, with different purposes. The first, marked by an orange button and a white plus sign, used to insert the movements that we will “accidentally” during the day expenditure, in short, that were not foreseen but they are necessary. The examples that come to mind are the fuel costs of the car, buying a new piece of clothing or accessory to or an iPad, to stay on topic.

The other tab, with two blue circular arrows, is used to categorize the payments considered to be “fixed”, such as a mortgage to pay, car insurance, salary: that we will make payments on a periodic basis.

Both cards work in much the same way. Using the Insert button that we find at the top of the screen we can start the procedure for adding a new movement. On the right of the Insert, Delete what we have, which will bring up the canons red buttons for the elimination of various revenue previously added. These can also be cleared by performing the canonical swipe right or left on the field that we want to delete.

The first thing we should do is to check out the archives, by clicking on the second tab, with the icon of the folder. Inside there will be 4 sub-menus: Categories, Accounts, Users, and Payments.

Within the Categories menu, we can add, delete and edit the fields, so ritrovarceli ready whenever you insert a new movement dall’apposita card. There are already a number of categories, as well as on the iPhone version, within which we find several “subcategories”. The latter are equally customizable going to create virtually endless possibilities between categories and subcategories within the App.

Pressing Enter will access to a new window in full screen where we can fill in the fields related to the movement to add: Amount, Description, Category and Date, all very explanatory and highly customizable.

In the window, on the left, we have a menu where there will be three tabs: the first will set by the user who performs or has performed the movement, among the options that we had entered into the tab “Edit archives.” Throughout the second tab on the method of payment used to make the payment (cash, credit card, ATM card, PostePay). In the third tab, we can write down some personal information about the motion carried, with no limits as part of the program.

The only difference between the window of daily movements and that of fixed is the presence of an additional field in the second case, in which we are going to enter the cadence that will have that particular movement. We can select a base of days or months, or a combination of the two periods (for example every year and six months).


Let us now enter in the part relating to graphs and statistics dell’App, perhaps the most elitist and complex to manage. Inside the card based on integration of movements we can see all the movements made in chronological order, by filtering them according to all the elements that we previously inserted, for example, we can display only those movements of a user, or made by a method of specific payment. Moreover we can see the changes that occurred only over a few days set by ourselves.

Nick Willson

I'm Nick Willson, a multifaceted writer with interests spanning art, music, business, and technology. My diverse expertise covers everything from education and games to health, appliances, and fashion. Passionate about exploring the intersections of these fields, Nick brings a unique perspective to my writing, enriching readers with my broad-ranging knowledge and insights.