Motivating Staff

It can sometimes seem like a hard job to motivate staff. After all, as much as we might like it to be the case, not every member of staff will actually want to be there. Whilst every workplace will have people there who really wish to succeed in what they are doing, others will be there simply because they need to pay the bills somehow, and the job they have is simply a way of doing that.
And yet, if you want to have the most productive workplace possible, you need to find ways of motivating both the ones who wish to do well and those who simply want to get by. On top of this, different staff members will have different levels of ability and different levels of confidence, and trying to be inclusive to everyone in the way you motivate people will be important. Treating people on their individual merits is the best way forward and by treating everyone as equal you actually end up singling people out.

Whilst the way you set targets and how you deal with the result will be important, the workspace itself is also very important. Office partitions are a great way to ensure that you minimise distractions, but they can also make spaces feel impersonal. It is therefore wise to utilise them but to do so in a way that means people can still communicate should they wish to. Office partitions are also a perfect way to help people feel less-self conscious.

Display boards can also help, as they can be used to offer inspiration and encouragement. Display boards are often used to simply leave angry messages or to display information, but utilising them as a way of inspiring people can see major benefits.

Ultimately, if you make your staff feel valued and appreciated they will want to do their best for you. And the best way to motivate will often be to simply try to look for positives in the work they do.

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