Keeping Your Business Clean

We all know that looks aren’t everything. And yet, when it comes to creating a good impression, they can certainly be very important. When adverse weather comes along, many premises can find themselves swamped with muddy footprints and streams of dirty water. As a result, they look far from their best and, whether an office or a shop, those visiting the premises will often be put off by the dirty floors they see.
Some companies simply take this as part and parcel of bad weather, but by simply employing the right entrance matting, the majority of such dirt, mud and water can be removed.

Coir matting for instance is extremely absorbent and will remove a great deal of mud and sludge from shoes without people even needing to wipe their feet. Wet and dirty floors are not just a visual hazard, but also a physical one too and having coir matting to relieve feet of their slippery and unsightly detritus can mean that not only do your premises look far better, but also that they are very much safer too.

Whilst we all know that, in bad weather, any muddy footprints and stains are likely not to be the fault of the company, such unsightly additions to an attractive floor can still put many off. Should a customer be greeted by muddy floors everywhere they go, then be greeted by clean floors in your own building, you are almost certainly going to stand out for good reasons.

Whilst interior design can help hide some of mess, it will not hide it all, and it certainly won’t help your premises remain safe. Therefore, no matter if you have the perfect floor to hide dirt, the right entrance matting is still going to be integral if you want to keep customers and visitors safe and simply create the very best impression.

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