Is Fashion Important?

There is likely to be a huge debate about whether fashion is important or not,with some saying it informs a huge amount of who we are and how we are perceived and on the other side of the fence a great number of people feeling we should not be categorised by what we wear.

However,those who eschew fashion are still making a statement through fashion–those who clearly take no interest in the latest trends are showing the world that such things are not important and a lack of fashion is itself a major fashion statement.So whether you think fashion is important or not,in the end it can still end up defining us,and those fighting fashion end up simply strengthening its power.

The clothing people wear will very often help you understand the type of person they are and the society in which they live.It is a sign of self-expression and individuality (or in some cases conformity,either enforced or voluntary). Whilst certain fashion will give hints of personality or individuality,urban fashion often takes the importance of fashion to new levels.

With urban fashion, the majority of urban wear is about not only expression but also, in certain cases, excess. This excess removes necessity from the equation and shows that the items being worn are about expression above a need to for warmth or comfort.

Urban wear can be the perfect way to communicate ideas, individuality and personality through a very simple medium, and this is another reason why fashion can be extremely important. Whether we like it or not, we are all prone to make snap judgements. The clothes we choose are likely to say something about us whether we want them to or not, and if we don’t want people to judge us in the wrong way, the clothes we choose are going to be extremely important.

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