Condom Vending Machines

Condom vending machines may not be something you think of initially when setting up a business and allocating costs. However failing to include them in your bathrooms would be a mistake. Condom dispensers feature in the majority of bathroom facilities providing a valuable service to customers. Not including one in your bathrooms would mean losing out on custom generated from sales and also disgruntled guests who have been caught unprepared.  Condom vending machines appear in the majority of bathrooms and provide a convenient service to customers.
Condom dispensers are available in a wide variety of styles and sizes. Whatever size of bathroom there is a condom vending machine to suit. They are available in different colours, so you can match it to the décor and colour scheme of your bathroom. Condom vending machines need not be an eyesore, but a practical and profitable addition. Some condom dispensers hold more than one variety of condom, others hold condoms and female sanitary products. You can tailor your condom vending machine to the location you want to display it.

The range of condom vending machines available can be daunting but choosing a quality robust machine that will last a long time and suit the style of your bathroom is important. When choosing a supplier it is key to think about the type of machine you want and the brands you wish to sell. It is worth considering a dual purpose condom vending machine, which hold other products as well as condoms including tampons and mints.

If you want to install a condom dispenser in a female bathroom having one that also stocks tampons would make good business sense. Alternatively a condom dispenser that also sells mints would be ideally suited to a male toilet. When choosing stock for your condom vending machines it is important that you choose the right condom brand to sell. Customers want a condom brand that they recognise and trust.

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