Condom Vending Machines

Condom vending machines may not be something you think of initially when setting up a business and allocating costs. However failing to include them in your bathrooms would be a mistake. Condom dispensers feature in the majority of bathroom facilities providing a valuable service to customers. Not including one in your bathrooms would mean losing out on custom generated from sales and also disgruntled guests who have been caught unprepared.  Condom vending machines appear in the majority of bathrooms and provide a convenient service to customers.

Sanitary Vending Machines

Any woman will tell you the importance of having a sanitary vending machine in a public bathroom. They are a vital part of any female toilet. While they may not be something you immediately think of when setting up a business, they will certainly be missed if they are not there. Every business needs to invest in tampon dispensers to keep staff and guests happy.

Vehicle Tracking Systems – Not Just for Keeping Tabs on Employees

Many companies with large fleets of vehicles have introduced systems such as fuel cards to improve efficiency and costs, but equally as important are vehicle tracking systems, also known as vehicle telematics. Such a system has numerous benefits not only for you, but for your employees also, and explaining these benefits will help to quell any fears or worries they may have.

Keeping Staff Safe

Keeping your staff safe is about a lot more than ensuring they know due procedures and protocol. In many situations and environments, you will need to be far more proactive in issuing your workers the correct equipment or clothing to ensure that they can do their job to the best of their ability without putting themselves in danger.