Be the Perfect Candidate

What makes the perfect candidate for a job? Obviously, the skills and attributes needed will vary dramatically from one area to the next, but each will have very specific things in common. Firstly, it is worth understanding that education alone is unlikely to make you stand out above the crowd. Whilst it may once have been the most sought after thing, with so many people all taking similar courses at university and with fewer specialised jobs available to people, education alone might not be as appealing as it once was. Likewise, for some jobs, education can have a negative impact as potential employers may feel you are overqualified for a certain position.

The right CV will help too if you let your personality shine through rather than simply using the generic buzzwords that will populate the majority of CVs. Likewise, a wide and diverse range of experience will capture the imagination, although having too many jobs will also look like you cannot commit.

Instead, it is often better to prove you are able to stay in a job for a long period and commit, attaining other experience through outside courses. Whether you look at a payroll course to increase your ability to function in an administrative capacity or a Sage course to help you understand specific programs a specific business might use, being able to offer someone commitment, personality and a range of other skills will also show you are proactive about your own personal development.

Whether you take a payroll course, a sage course or something very specific for the exact jobs you want, the fact you are willing to invest in your own potential will be extremely attractive to employees and will almost certainly help you to stand out above those who are relying strictly on grades or a wide range of job experience.

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