Avoiding Pet Diabetes

Diabetes is on the rise. Whilst we all know that our diets – along with some hereditary problems – are ensuring that the chance of us developing diabetes is far higher than ever, what many of us don’t consider is that the same thing goes for our pets too.

By not encouraging exercise and feeding them a poor pet diet, we are often consigning them to a life of bad health, and in turn a very costly life too. Cats in particular are a high risk, simply because we very rarely actively engage them in exercise, unlike dogs who we will happily walk numerous times a day.

Therefore, pet diet and exercise should be focused on right from the time they are a kitten. Taking the time to actively play with your kitten a few times a day will ensure that they not only get plenty of exercise, but that, as they get older, their love for bounding around continues. Even as they get older, ensuring you play with them regularly will make a major difference to their health and well being, as well as their general happiness and vigour.

Dogs aren’t immune to it though, and over feeding either cats or dogs, or not offering them the right type of balanced nutrition will almost certainly lead to many health issues, diabetes amongst them.

Treats for both types of pet should be kept to just special occasions and if you notice your pet is becoming overweight, it may be second nature to simply think it is cute, but our first reactions should instead be to take them to the vet for a check up and some advice on how to keep them trim and in turn healthy.

But by encouraging exercise and feeding them the right pet food, you may well be able to avoid such problems altogether.

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