Do You Need to Record Employee Attendance?

You may trust your employees to be honest about their time-keeping and to be punctual as much as they possibly can. However, more often than not employees will happily take the chance to shave off a few minutes here and there, with many taking far longer over lunch than they should and arriving and leaving outside of the time that they should.
For some businesses, this may not be too much of an issue, although it does mean that staff will often end up getting paid a great deal more than they deserve. Over the course of a month, even five minutes every day for each employee could amass to huge amounts of money that is simply being thrown away.

Some businesses feel that time recording is not effective simply because working out wages to the minute will drain resources, making the payroll process longer and removing any financial benefits than time recording would bring, and in the process making employees feel far less relaxed. However, the best recording tools will also be data collection tools that will present the data very succinctly at the end of the month, meaning that the work load of payroll is actually reduced.

Even those who do not mind letting off employees a few minutes here and there either way will vastly benefit from being able to instantly see what people have worked and not have to consult spreadsheets or reams of paper to know exactly what someone should be paid.

Data collection can help businesses be more efficient and more streamlined, whilst also ensuring that the few employees who might try to take you for a ride simply can’t get away with it. In turn you will not only end up saving money and increasing productivity, but also simply making your life that little bit easier too.

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