Earning Extra Money

If you wish to earn some extra money on top of your monthly wage,there might not be that many ways to do it.After all,if you are looking to earn money in your spare time you are going to want to make sure that the job you find is enjoyable or at the very least interesting,whilst paying enough to ensure that the extra hours are going to be worth it.

One such career is that of a door supervisor. The hours are perfect to suit those looking to supplement their full time income, and the work itself is extremely varied and interesting, not only being challenging but also offering an environment where you can never be sure what to expect. A job that keeps you on your toes can be the perfect second job as you can be sure that you are not going to find yourself being bored and therefore giving up.

To become a door supervisor, all you need is the right mindset and the right training. SIA training gives you not just the skills, but also the knowledge to ensure that you can be as safe as possible whilst undertaking such a role. The rewards of SIA training can be seen in many different ways, as the skills learnt can often be applied to other areas of life, whilst in the job itself you will get to have satisfaction of being able to look out for many peoples’ safety.

Almost all establishments will expect their door supervisors to have an SIA licence, but the small cost can bring big rewards both in terms of potential pay, as well as in terms of the skills learnt. When training for an SIA licence, the best companies will offer training on a no pass, no fee basis, meaning that you really have nothing to lose in taking such a course.

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