The Cost of a Wedding

When planning for a wedding, it is important to remember that the costs will start mounting up before one partner or the other has even proposed. Diamond engagement rings are an integral part of almost any proposal of marriage and it is important to factor such purchases in to any budget you might have for a wedding.

No one is going to be able to advise you exactly how much your wedding is likely to cost as everyone will want a different service and a wedding can cost as much or as little as you want. The most expensive wedding rings and flights for every guest out to Barbados are likely to see you spend a great deal more than if you simply choose to get married quietly and without fuss on your own in a registry office.

The amount that couples can afford will have one bearing, but many people simply also have different dreams about what makes the perfect wedding. For some, the day is all about being centre of attention or about showing how much the couple love one another in front of all their friends and family, whilst for others it will be about simply being with the one they love and making a commitment with or without anyone else around.

The average cost of a wedding is nearing £20,000 but this shouldn’t be used as a benchmark or even an indication of what yours will cost. Instead, the importance of everything from wedding rings to the location itself will inform how much you spend.

The important thing to remember is that the amount you will have to spend starts with the diamond engagement rings, but this doesn’t mean you should skimp on such a purchase, as these rings are one of the most enduring symbols of your marriage. Instead, ensure that you spend what you can afford to make the day as special as you can without starting married life in debt you can’t afford.

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