Electrical testing means a safer workplace

Health and safety legislation is there for a very good reason. Far too many people still die or are injured in accidents at work. And a great many of these incidents in the workplace concern electricity. Faulty appliances and poor electrical safety can be lethal. Employers have a moral and legal duty to protect staff in their care. So it’s vital that they carry out regular electrical testing of the appliances that are used on site.

Electrical inspection saves lives. By regularly testing appliances and equipment, employers can ensure that everything is working properly and safely and that employees aren’t exposed to unnecessary risk. Resulting in a safe, happy and healthy work environment.

Electricity and electrical appliances are all over the place at work. In many cases it’s the biggest hazard facing employees. So finding a trusted partner to carry out electrical inspection is vitally important. There’s no margin for error with electricity. Just one incident can be fatal.

Elecheck are a trusted provider of electrical testing services. Their highly experienced and well trained staff are available to come out on site and test appliances for faults. By investing in this thorough testing service employers can ensure that they are providing a safe environment for people to work in. No matter what kind of industry and no matter how big or small a job, Elecheck can help. They have established an enviable reputation for quality and customer service. Without charging a premium price tag. It’s the best of all worlds.

A visit from Elecheck can transform the workplace and give both staff and employers peace of mind. That equipment is safe to work with and legislation and regulations are being complied with. One simple phone call to Elecheck is all it takes to find out more about their range of inspection and testing services.

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