Keep industrial estates secure

Industrial estates contain lots of different units each with their own temptation for thieves. Be it computers, stock or other equipment. It’s vital that businesses on these estates work together to improve security. With support and cooperation it’s possible to improve security no end.

One of the biggest improvements that can be made on most industrial estates is the fencing. By sourcing proper heavy duty industrial fencing it sends a strong message to would be intruders. On estates where there is a history of problems with break ins, it pays to add additional security features on top of the fencing. Like barbed wire for example. This will stop people attempting to clamber over fencing. It simply isn’t worth the risk.

By keeping people out full stop, then industrial estates are much safer places to leave valuable stock and equipment over night. Breaks ins are incredibly disruptive to businesses. A break in often means severe disruption for customers, who could go elsewhere for what they need. It’s not worth the risk of scrimping on security measures.

Siddall & Hilton Products Ltd are experts in the manufacture of unfinished fencing panels, temporary fencing panels, security fencing, industrial mesh and many other wire products. They can supply industrial fencing and barbed wire to any industrial estate that needs to improve its security. They offer competitive prices and a great service. As a specialist supplier they can source a huge range of different options depending on what is required.

Don’t let any industrial estate become a target for opportunistic thieves. Don’t give them a chance by leaving weak spots unattended to. It only takes a few simple security measures to make a site completely secure. Get in touch with Siddall & Hilton to discuss security requirements and to source fencing to tighten up security around the site perimeter.

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