How Many UK Claims Are Made Every Year?

In the year the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reported that in work related accidents alone:

  • 646,000 workers had an accident at work
  • 19,707 were major injuries
  • 148 workers lost their lives

Add to this the estimated 500,000 road traffic accidents and the slips, trips and falls that are said to be more then double either work related or road traffic accidents and we have over 3 million accidents a year in the UK.

Among these accidents there will have been many blameless victims, injured through no fault of their own. How many of them apply the law that says if you were injured through someone elses fault, the guilty party should compensate you for the suffering they have cause? How many uk claims are made every year?

Accurate figures for the amount of personal injury claims that would have been made form these accidents are not available but it is estimated by various sources that just under 50% of victims make a claim. If we assume that there was at least one victim in each accident, that is approximately 1.5 victims, and if half of those make a claim that would be 750,000 claims made in the UK every year. This is only an assumption as may accidents have several victims and there are others that are solo events where the accident is their own fault, so no claim would be possible.

Why do half of victims not make a claim?

It is thought many victims do not exercise their right to compensation because they think it will be too much trouble or they are worried about the costs involved. If only these victims took a little time to look into the matter, they would find that at UK Claim Lawyers, the process is really easy and hassle free for the claimant and there are no costs involved.

UK Claim Lawyers are all experienced and experts in the field of personal injury compensation claims. It does not matter what caused your accident, whether it was a road traffic accident a work related accident or an accident in a public place, we have the specialists to deal with it.

Our systems ensure an easy hassle free claim experience for all victims, and no funds are needed to make your claim. We operate on a no win, no fee basis so you will not have to find any money is your claim is lost either. You have nothing to lose by contacting UK Claim Lawyers, and may have a lot to gain.

Making contact

You could complete our 30-second test which will instantly provide you with an estimate of the amount you may be awarded. You can email us with the information about your accident and injuries at or you can call our helpline on 0808 159 9416.

The claims experts will discuss your case and give you a free, no obligation assessment of your personal injury compensation claim.

Nick Willson

I'm Nick Willson, a multifaceted writer with interests spanning art, music, business, and technology. My diverse expertise covers everything from education and games to health, appliances, and fashion. Passionate about exploring the intersections of these fields, Nick brings a unique perspective to my writing, enriching readers with my broad-ranging knowledge and insights.