9 Tips to undertake without breaking your finances

What if I tell you that I have the antidote to the biggest fear faced by those who wish to undertake?

If you ask me why we are not all entrepreneurs and as there are so few compared to the majority of people I would give a resounding answer: FEAR.

The fear of failure, ridicule, ignorance of how to undertake, but above all, fear of numbers and not add money and that we should end up shirt without being able to feed our family.

In the book “Predictably Irrational” (Predictably Irrational), Dan Ariely demonstrated through studies and experiments, that human beings are motivated mostly by fear of losing, not for the chance to win. With this in mind, we must attack with fury always fear. To do this, hard data and concrete actions are the best medicine.

Do not want to run into the lack of wool in your life as an entrepreneur? Follow these tips:

  • Accept that there is a risk. It is important that you remember this forever. No matter how good you are or how well prepared you are.
  • Two. Minimizes the risk. Always prepared. Do your homework. For example before starting to sell cakes, plans:
  • What kind of cake?
  • What is going to differentiate from other cakes?
  • In the room where I’ll be? Cakes are needed?
  • Do you walk near the local people was never a fly?
  • How much is the material?
  • How much will my income and expenses of the premises?
  • What if nobody comes to buy the first few weeks?

All these questions are part of the preparation to have covered most of the scenarios. The same technique applies to apply for credit, accept a partner or face any decision in your company.

Do NOT trust. Even if you have all the data and the more preparation, be alert to changes in the market, potential bureaucratic challenges, emergencies, etc..

Personal finances are no different from the finances of the company. If you can not spend less than you make at home, hardly will succeed as leader of your company. Learn in the “laboratory” of your pocket basics of sound finance. Practice and practice again.

Divide and conquer: Your money do not mix your business EVER. Imagine that the business is like a high-maintenance boss which must be giving him accounts and as soon as it comes out. It is a “third person” and treat it as such. A bank account separate from yours, different debit card. If you need to borrow, make a better and ALWAYS pay him. This is one of the main secrets of financial order.

To borrow is not your first choice. We are so used to credit that we forget other forms of financing and to solve problems. Borrow is, most of the time (especially with little planning) the way to the final destination torture: LOCK. The liquidity and health of your business can be seriously affected by debt.

Study. Lee. Learn about how to take, sell, buy and even survive. Read books, blogs, news of entrepreneurship, marketing, sales, personal finance, service and social networks among others.

DO NOT use bank money illusion. Yes, that money you promised that Customer X or imagine that the bank will pay you when I present the wonderful idea you have. Money has not come to your bag, you do not have money PERIOD.
9. Save. Yes, that boring advice but is as useful as when we goes out and realize that IF we save the document you’ve been working for months. Save will save your ass more than once and make our lives better as entrepreneurs.

Nick Willson

I'm Nick Willson, a multifaceted writer with interests spanning art, music, business, and technology. My diverse expertise covers everything from education and games to health, appliances, and fashion. Passionate about exploring the intersections of these fields, Nick brings a unique perspective to my writing, enriching readers with my broad-ranging knowledge and insights.